The Garrett Hardin Society

Updated 22 May, 2005

Tribute to Garrett Hardin

by Susanne Barrymore

In the late 1950s, when my husband Carroll got a job at the DA's office in Santa Barbara, I had just finished my master's in biology, and found a job at UCSB being a TA and doing some research with Professor Ed Triplett. We immedidiately felt a close affinity to the Hardins, as a family, and for Garrett's positions on population, etc. I wonder how many people know that Garrett played violin, and had a string quartet, which they called the Salsipuedes? Just about that time, their violist was about to leave, and since I played violin, I cheerfully offered to learn viola and become part of their quartet. I borrowed a viola, learned the rudiments of the alto cleff, and spent many a joyful afternoon playing quartets with Garrett, Herb Fingarette, Philosophy professor and second violin, and Ken Brown, teacher of classics at midland school, music critic for the Santa Barbara News Press, and cellist. Such diverse and interesting conversations for this young biologist to hear when we would take a break.

For my husband and me, remembering the Hardin's as a family, and playing quartets at Hardin's, are several of many special remembrances of the Hardin's.

Susanne Barrymore