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Articles and Essays by Garrett HardinAn Ecolate View of the Human Predicament (view article) "As a result of discussions carried out during the past decade I now suggest a better wording of the central idea: Under conditions of overpopulation, freedom in an unmanaged commons brings ruin to all."
"We can maximize the number of human beings living at the lowest possible level of comfort, or we can try to optimize the quality of life for a much smaller population."
"I argue that we would do well to accept 'Thou shalt not exceed the carrying capacity of any environment' as a legitimate member of a new Decalogue. When for the sake of momentary gain by human beings the carrying capacity is transgressed, the long-term interests of the same human beings - 'same' meaning themselves and their successors in time - are damaged." Cultural Carrying Capacity, 1986. (view article) "The naive question, 'What is the human carrying capacity of the earth?' evokes a reply that is of no human use. No thoughtful person is willing to assume that mere animal survival is acceptable when the animal is Homo sapiens. We want to know what the environment will carry in the way of cultural amenities, where the word culture is taken in the anthropological sense to include all of the artifacts of human existence: institutions, buildings, customs, inventions, knowledge... When dealing with human problems, I propose that we abandon the term carrying capacity in favor of cultural carrying capacity or, more briefly cultural capacity." Ethical Implications of Carrying Capacity, by Garrett Hardin, 1977. (view article) "The concept of carrying capacity calls for the conservative, balanced equation type of thinking that has led to the triumphs of thermodynamics and modern chemistry. But applied to human problems connected with exploiting the environment the concept of carrying capacity has been perceived as a threatening one. As regards populations of non-human animals and plants, we are just now beginning to grapple with the implications of carrying capacity. When it comes to humanity itself, it is doubtful if we yet have the courage to systematically examine all possibilities..." Limited World, Limited Rights, Garrett Hardin, Society, May/June 1980 (view article) From Shortage to Longage: Forty Years in the Population Vineyards, by Garrett Hardin, 1991. (view article) Lifeboat Ethics: the Case Against Helping the Poor, Psychology Today, September 1974 (view article)
"Observant critics have shown how much harm we wealthy nations have already done to poor nations through our well-intentioned but misguided attempts to help them."
"The idea of perpetual growth is embraced with religious fervor by mainstream economists and other worshipers of 'Progress' - the material sort of progress, that is... Our students are society's next generation-inpower. We owe it to them, to society at large, and to posterity to help students build their expectations on a realistic basis. Exponential growth needs to be seen as a severely time-limited process, for which costs must be paid. Growth is ultimately limited by the environment, a truth that ecologists encapsulate in the concept of 'carrying capacity'."
"The ecolate view is not welcome to timid minds. Even if you come up with a true answer, you may have a hard time persuading others that you are on the right track. But we have to try. Literacy, numeracy, ecolacy: we need all three abilities." Rewards of Pejoristic Thinking, 1977. (view article) "For a quarter of a century international philanthropy has been largely guided by optimistic laissez faire doctrines, and now there are a billion more poor people than there were when we started trying to save the world. Belief in providence dies hard."
"To save humanity from eating itself to extinction we must abandon the dominant religion of the past three centuries - Lockean individualism - and dedicate ourselves to a new - and also very old - commitment to community. This change in overall ideals will require many changes in particulars. As concerns the problems here discussed we must recognize that - One: Birth control is an individualistic goal, achievable by each individual (or couple) alone. Two: Population control is a philanthropic goal, not achievable by charitable actions alone."
Also see links to commons-related websites and explanatory commons cartoons. The Tragedy of the Commons - Extension, 1998, published by The American Association for the Advancement of Science (view article) My first attempt at interdisciplinary analysis led to an essay, "The Tragedy of the Commons."
"The moral is surely obvious:
Never globalize a problem if it can possibly be solved locally. It may be chic but it is not wise to tack the adjective global onto the names of problems that are merely widespread - for example, 'global hunger,' 'global poverty,' and the 'global population problem.' We will make no progress with population problems, which are a root cause of both hunger and poverty, until we deglobalize them.
"I have augmented C. P. Snow's two paths to a culture (the literate path and the numerate path) with a third one, the 'ecolate' path... It is now clear that as the human mind processes the inputs from experience it uses three different filters, each connected with its characteristic question. -
"The progress of science - indeed of all positive knowledge - depends on the courage of Thoreau's 'majority of one' in the face of nearly unanimous error." Who Benefits? Who pays?, from Filters Against Folly (1985) (view article) "The idea of negative responsibility is ... a paradoxical concept, but an immensely useful one. The unmanaged commons exhibits negative responsibility, since it actually pays the individual decision maker to make the wrong decision. It is this negative responsibility that generates the tragedy." Letters by Garrett HardinLetter to International Academy for Preventive Medicine, June, 2001 Legend
Also see Garrett Hardin's complete bibliography. If you wish to obtain copyright permission for Garrett Hardin's
articles or books, please see copyright requests. |
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